
E-Contents: Physics

Sl No: Topic Name Document
1 Width of Lines Alex Shinu Scaria
2 Spectroscopy Alex Shinu Scaria
3 Stimulated Raman scattering Alex Shinu Scaria
4 Structure Determination by IR Techniques and FTIR Alex Shinu Scaria
5 Electronics Dr. Jimmy Sebastian
6 Quantum Mechanics Dr. Jimmy Sebastian
7 An Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment Dr. Mathew George
8 Environmental laws and legal provisions Dr. Mathew George
9 Nuclear Energy Dr. Pius Augustine
10 Nuclear Physics and Radio Activity Dr. Pius Augustine
11 Radiation Dr. Pius Augustine
12 Thermal conduction Dr. Pius Augustine
13 Thermodynamics Dr. Pius Augustine
14 Transfer of heat Dr. Pius Augustine
15 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Dr. Roby Cherian
16 Correlation Auto Correlation Dr. Roby Cherian
17 Correlation of Discrete-Time Signals Dr. Roby Cherian
18 Laws of Thermodynamics Dr. Roby Cherian
19 Addressing modes of 8086 Dr. Siby Mathew
20 Crude oil Dr. Siby Mathew
21 Marine Pollution Dr. Siby Mathew
22 Microcontroller 8051 Dr. Siby Mathew
23 Digital electronic RS FilFlops Dr. Sumod S G
24 Digital Electronics combinational log Dr. Sumod S G
25 Structure determination using IR Raman Spectroscopy Mr. Alex Shinu Scaria
26 classical mechanics hamiltonian Mr. V M George
27 classical mechanics Spinning Top Mr. V M George
28 Energy and Environmental Studies Ms. Celin Mary
29 polarisation Ms. Malini Abraham
30 Classical mechanics Ms. Navya S L